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Lekhny Story -20-May-2024

In the tapestry of time, we seek, The purpose of our lives, unique. Through dawn and dusk, we tread the line, Between the mundane and divine.

In every heart, a whisper grows, A question that forever flows. What leads us through the darkest night, And guides us to the morning light?

Is it in the deeds we do, The love we share, the truths we pursue? Or in the dreams that we embrace, The moments carved in time and space?

Perhaps it’s in the lessons learned, From bridges crossed and bridges burned. In every tear and every smile, In every joy that’s worth the while.

We find our purpose, day by day, In words we speak and prayers we say. In kindness given, freely shared, In showing others that we cared.

Life’s purpose isn’t carved in stone, It’s found in seeds of love we’ve sown. In endless search, we come to see, The purpose of life is to simply be.


hema mohril

21-May-2024 02:34 PM

Very nice


Reena yadav

21-May-2024 11:51 AM

